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Friendship Poems

The best kind of friends are the ones that you share good times with. A friend who can make you laugh is worth a handful who can't. So often we walk around with the weight of the world on our shoulders. Our bodies become tense and this is a cause for most illnesses. Having humor in your life is not just a matter of good time, it's also a matter of living longer. Often when you have a friendship that has lasted a long time you continue to share memories of humorous interactions that you shared. This may be the glue that holds the friendship together.

Wise Friend Poems
There are many kinds of wisdom that one person can share with another. Chances are you have friends with all kinds of wisdom. There is the friend that you call for technical skills, another for help in the kitchen, another for life advice, and another who knows how to listen. All of these skills are kinds of wisdom. Each of these friends might be helpless to help you in a matter which is not his area of expertise. It is good to look at the people around us and notice their unique abilities.

Trusting Friendship
Trust is the most important component of any relationship. If you do not trust a person, you probably do not consider them your friend. The building blocks of friendship are based on sharing the deepest parts of yourself and believing that they will be held sacred. You believe this about your friend and he believes it about you. The more you trust each other, the deeper the friendship that you have built. If you don't have trust in your friendship, you don't have a friendship.

True Friend
What is a true friend? A true friend says what they think their friend needs to hear even when they know that their friend may get angry. A true friend doesn't leave because they are afraid to be with you. A true friend doesn't leave when the fun stops and things get uncomfortable There are just of few of the values that real friends hold dear. In short, A true friend recognizes the value of the friendship and holds it sacred.

Strong Friend
To be a friend takes a lot of strength. There will be times when you will question why you ever got involved with this person. Times like these are the true test of friendship. It is easy to be friends when you're sharing good times and fun. However, when the friendship is challenged you may be tempted to get up and leave. This is when the integrity of the friendship is challenged. You may feel afraid to trust and share your deepest secrets. Friendship is not for the weak of heart. Real friendship takes strength.

Missing You
When friends are forced to be apart from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how important each one is to the other's life.. They will miss each other, and long for the time when they can be together again.

Complicated Friend
People expect that friendships will make them feel good all time. When there is something about the friendship that invites complication, friends might start to wonder whether the friendship is a good idea. The truth is that if one expects a relationship to always be fun and lighthearted, he is missing the point of friendship. Everyone wants to hang around when there are good times to be had. The real test of friendship is being there when the going gets tough.

Good Friend
Sharing good times with good friends is the greatest joy. This is the stuff that makes life worthwhile. Whether sharing a meal together or a good conversation, there is nothing more fulfilling then spending time with friends. We must be thankful for the friendships that come our way for not all are blessed with the skills to form deep relationships. Those of us that do have friends must never take for granted the gift bestowed upon us.

Friends Forever
Forever is a very long time. How is it that people can talk so casually about a concept that we cannot even wrap our minds around? Sometimes we have a friend and we sense that our souls are very closely connected. We know that the connection is above time and space. We know that wherever we are in our lives we will always remain friends. Even if we do not see each other for years we are able to pick up right where we left off. This is what people mean when they say friends forever.

Fighting Friend
Fighting is part of every real relationship. The key is knowing how to resolve the conflict without breaking up the friendship. Often it is the individual who knows how to communicate by sharing his feelings and not pointing fingers who can diffuse the situation. Since both members of the friendship are feeling defensive, it becomes a risky and sensitive venture. It may talk a couple tries to fully resolve your differences but you may come out with a stronger friendship at the other end.

Family Friend
For those of that are not blessed with a large extended family, it is important to cultivate close friendships with other families. These are the people who are not related to us by blood, but care for us as if they were. In the world that we live in today when there are so many obstacles we must face, it makes sense to form a group of supportive people to surround yourself with. When the chips are down, these are the people that you can count on.

Goodbye Poems
The hardest part of any friendship is when it's time to say goodbye. As much as we might like things to stay the same, change is an inevitable part of life. The universe may seem huge and the rift between friends on opposite side of the world may seem a great distance. There are many tools available with which we can communicate, but even without these tools there is a secret that only real friends know, and it is this. All the mountains and valleys in the world cannot separate friends whose hearts are as one.

Forgiveness Poems
A relationship in which neither friend is able to forgive the other does not have a very long shelf life. It is inevitable that there will be misunderstandings in a relationship. We cannot see inside each other's minds to be able to know that they never intended any harm. Everyone has buttons that can pushed that the other friend may unknowingly push. However, when a sincere apology comes your way, you need to be able to forgive the other person. This involves trusting that the other person truly didn't mean any harm and wants to heals the rift between the two of you.

Lost Friend
Losing a friend is a time of sadness and mourning. We don't know where the friend has gone, but he is no longer here to be your friend. The things that you shared and have done together may be forever in your memories, but that friend may be lost forever. How can you go on without your partner in crime. Life may seem as if it will never be the same, and the truth is it won't. Take the time to mourn this friendship, but also know that there are other friendships waiting to be formed.

Life Long Friend
This section is for lifelong friendships. Most friendships only last for a particular phase of our lives. When that developmental period is over, the friendship may dissolve. For a friendship to last a lifetime there must be something really special between you. There must be a connection that transcends time and space. This kind of a friendship also takes a certain flexibility. People change throughout their lifetimes and they must continue to search for commonalities between the two of them if they expect their friendship to endure.

Just Friends
This poem category is for just friends. Sometimes a relationship may start out to be romantic and turn into an ordinary friendship. However, an ordinary friendship is nothing to scoff at. A relationship between a boy and girl that is platonic can be very valuable. You may be able to share things with each other that you cannot share with anyone else. The two of you can help each other develop romantic relationships with others. The friendship did not go where you intended it to. Perhaps it went somewhere better. 

Friend Poems
If I had all the money in the world but know one to enjoy it with, I would be depressed. Admittedly that's an extreme example, but the truth is that all of the enjoyable things in the world get old quickly without a friend to share them with. On the other hand, if I was experiencing all the hardships in the world, I would go insane without the aid of a friend. People that don't have anyone to socially interact may lose their minds and develop an imaginary friend just to ease the loneliness. Human interaction is necessary. It is simply the way that we are wired.

Sad Friendship

When a person is feeling sad, it is important that he share his feelings with his friends. One of the best ways to process feelings is to share them with friends. Many people are under the mistaken notion that they should not share feelings of sadness because it will bring down the moods of others. This may be true. However, more often than not, we may be able to offer comfort to each other and our friendship will become deeper through the process.

Inspirational Friend
People come into our life disguised as angels, and sometimes angels come into our life disguised as people. It is possible to see God anywhere. All it takes are open eyes and ears and the willingness to see miracles. They are everywhere. God is as available as we are. Having friends that inspire us to rise to higher and greater levels is an awesome gift. Surround yourself with people that inspire you to do better and inspire your friends as well. It is a profound truth that the people we hang out will shape the path that we travel.

Friends Forever
Forever is a very long time. How is it that people can talk so casually about a concept that we cannot even wrap our minds around? Sometimes we have a friend and we sense that our souls are very closely connected. We know that the connection is above time and space. We know that wherever we are in our lives we will always remain friends. Even if we do not see each other for years we are able to pick up right where we left off. This is what people mean when they say friends forever.

A relationship in which neither friend is able to forgive the other does not have a very long shelf life. It is inevitable that there will be misunderstandings in a relationship. We cannot see inside each other's minds to be able to know that they never intended any harm. Everyone has buttons that can pushed that the other friend may unknowingly push. However, when a sincere apology comes your way, you need to be able to forgive the other person. This involves trusting that the other person truly didn't mean any harm and wants to heals the rift between the two of you.

Fighting Friend
Fighting is part of every real relationship. The key is knowing how to resolve the conflict without breaking up the friendship. Often it is the individual who knows how to communicate by sharing his feelings and not pointing fingers who can diffuse the situation. Since both members of the friendship are feeling defensive, it becomes a risky and sensitive venture. It may talk a couple tries to fully resolve your differences but you may come out with a stronger friendship at the other end.

Best Friend
Best Friends means different things to different people. Some insist that you can have only one best friend. Others assert that they have best friends for different aspects of their personalities. Whatever the precise definition, your best friend is the person who gets you. They understand who you are and what you are saying. The greatest distance cannot separate best friends. You will always feel a kinship with them, and be able to instantly continue the friendship even after not talking for many years.

Childhood Friend
There are some friendships that we remember forever. These are the friendships that were formed when we were children. The quality of sharing is not the same as in adult friendships. However, in a certain way the friendship has a deeper quality. It probably lacked that drama and intensity that is shared in adult friendships. At the same time there is a certain carefree quality between that exists between two young children at play. They don't ask themselves complicated questions like whether they have enough in common. It is enough that they are two kids and that there is playing to be done.

Sick Friend
Part of being a good friend is being there for a friend that is sick. You may feel uncomfortable when you visit a sick friend and you may worry about saying the right thing. It is important to remember that this friend is the same person that he always was. If you feel uncomfortable about being with him, share your feelings and ask if there is anything you need to know. More often than not, your friend will want you to just be yourself and you will see that nothing has changed as a result of his illness.

Broken Friendship
Friendship is one of the main things that makes life worthwhile. When you have a friend to confide in, suffering seems more bearable, and pleasures are more intense. Everything is better when you have a friend to share it with. When a friendship breaks, whether or not it is for the best, there is a degree of pain and mourning that an individual goes through. There were things that you may have done only with that person and you feel a void in your life. Take some time to let yourself mourn before moving on to other relationships.

Fun Friend
Scientists have discovered that there is one thing above all else that determines the lasting power of a friendship. Many people guess that it is the ability to communicate that determines the quality of a friendship. In actuality, studies have shown that friends who have the most fun together are most likely to stay together. Fun is a difficult word to define and yet we know when we are having it. It is a difficult thing to predict and yet there are some friends that we have fun with almost every time we get together. Fun is the key factor in a lasting friendship.

Strong Friend
To be a friend takes a lot of strength. There will be times when you will question why you ever got involved with this person. Times like these are the true test of friendship. It is easy to be friends when you're sharing good times and fun. However, when the friendship is challenged you may be tempted to get up and leave. This is when the integrity of the friendship is challenged. You may feel afraid to trust and share your deepest secrets. Friendship is not for the weak of heart. Real friendship takes strength.

Betrayed Friend
"Et tu Brute, then fall Caesar". Perhaps the most famous words in English literature speak of a betrayal of a friend. Julius Caesar is saying that if even his close friend Brutus is stabbing him, then he has no hope. Our friends are the ones that we expect will stand by us through thick and thin. When are going through hard times, we ask that they be "like a bridge over troubled waters". If we cannot count on our friends to pull us through, then who can we count on?

Im Sorry Poems
Preserving a friendship requires many skills. One of the most important of these is the ability to say "I'm sorry". We all make mistakes. Hurting each other from time to time is inevitable especially in a close friendship. Some people are incapable of apologizing, because they are unable to admit that they may have made a mistake. There is no way for a friendship to last without apologies. Saying I'm Sorry in a sincere and compassionate way will preserve your friendship and deepen the bond that your share.

Pet Friend Poems
The saying goes that "man is dog's best friend". Others find that other pets are also up to the task. The companionship that animals offer is different from human interaction. Human communicate with speech and although this is an advanced form of communication, it has its limitations. Sometimes people struggle to say the right thing when what we really need is to be simply there for each other. Because animals cannot talk they are superior to humans in detecting the feelings of others. A pet may be able to offer a level of companionship that is deeper and more satisfying than human interaction.
A Friend is a Treasure

A Friend is a Treasure A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.

Friendships come and Friendships go

Friendships come and Friendships go Like wave upon the sand
Like day and night
Like birds in flight
Like snowflakes when they land
But you and I are something else
Our friendship's here to stay
Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks
It never goes away!


A best friend
is always there,
whether you need advice,
or a pep talk,
or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend
listens with her heart
and is always honest with you,
even though the truth
may not be
what you want to hear.
A best friend
knows all your secrets,
understands your fears
shares your dreams.
A best friend
never stops believing in you
even if you give up
on yourself.
you are
that kind of friend
to me.
And no matter what happens,
you always will be.
You are my best friend....
my forever friend.


True friends are for life
 Until the end
 They're more than special
 They're your bestest friends.

 They're the ones you can go to
 When you're in despair
 The ones that'll help you
 Even when you got gum in your hair!

 They're the ones who'll laugh
 And go laughing with you all through the night
 The ones who'll help you
 Help you with all their might

 To have a good friend
 You have to be one
 So be nice to one another
 So you can be friends forever
 And that's how to be the best friend you can be.


A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.
A friend is not a shadow nor a servant
But someone who hold
a piece of a person in his heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend?
Is by saying your Love will stay.


friendship is not just the name of an
ordinary feeling. but it is the name of the feelings of understanding, honesty and frankness between two persons. and these feelings keep the two very special persons bounded together and such a friendship lies in two of us.

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